The Bakery and Atlanta DIY Art Spaces: A Conversation with Willow Goldstein
We checked out the opening of Southwest Atlanta's newest DIY art complex, The Bakery.

Catching Up with Trans Portrait Artist Sean La'mont
Atlanta based portrait artist Sean Lamont opens up about the struggles of being a trans artist in the South.

Rocky Horror Show at Out Front is a Triumphant Display of Young Talent
Don't miss the classic genderbending stage show at Out Front Theatre!

Call For Entries: Wussy Volume 3, “The Sex Issue”
Call for Southern Queer artists to showcase your work!

Fostering Creative Culture with The Atlanta LGBT Film and Music Festival
WUSSY caught up with the folks behind the Atlanta LGBT Film and Music Festival to preview this year's fest.

Haunted: The intersections of queer culture and horror movies
Halloween is for the queers!

Wussy of the Month: Haseena Peera of Queer Youth Fest
An interview with Atlanta's Queer Youth Fest organizer, Haseena Peera.

Meow Mixtape: Blitz Kids, Britpop, & Gawd Save the Queenz!
Check out this Brit-powered electro pop mix by DJ Headmaster!

Three Decades of Queer Atlanta: The American Music Show
Don't miss this very special Out on Film screening focusing on The American Music Show!

WUSSY Guide to Out on Film's 30th Festival
Check out our top picks for the Out On Film festival starting this week in Atlanta!

Two Atlanta Queens Announced for DRAGULA Season 2
Atlanta queens, Abhorra and Biqtch Puddin', announced as contestants on season 2 of Dragula!

Atlanta Zine Fest Heralds Unsung Voices of Atlanta's DIY Culture
Atlanta Zine Fest kicks off this weekend at Murmur in South Downtown Atlanta!

"The Lavender Scare" Recounts 1950's Anti-LGBT Witch Hunt
The Lavender Scare will play on Thursday, September 14th at 7pm at Midtown Art Cinema, courtesy of Out on Film and the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival.

For Filth! Short Film Festival - Submit Today!
WUSSY is proud to present a night dedicated to experimental cinema and all that is queer, southern, and filthy.

Artist Barry Lee on Bisexuality & Disability Activism Through Art
Barry Lee's How Nice exhibit opens Saturday, July 29 at Murmur.

Fables of the Reconstruction: Misandry and Selective Memory in Sofia Coppola’s THE BEGUILED
A review of Sofia Coppola's latest film, The Beguiled.

Momma Tried on Southern Identity and Becoming a Nudie Mag Cyborg
Artsy NOLA magazine Momma Tried on the next phase of their publication!

Celebrate Pride with a Boozy Queer History Lesson at The Village Theatre
What happens when you ask drunk drag queens to talk about LGBTQ+ history?

The Lucky Penny's Heads Up is a Bold Display of Contemporary Dance
Heads Up, presented by The Lucky Penny's Work Room resident choreographers, premieres this weekend at the Schwartz Center.

The Fuss about the Fight Issue: Queer Takeover at the Atlanta Contemporary
Join us Thursday night for the release of our latest queer + southern arts issue!